Rend the Heavens: Stories of Awakening — Frank "J.J." Di Pietro (Paperback Book)
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Rend The Heavens: Stories of Awakening will ignite your heart and stir your soul. This 288-page book, with an exciting mix of biographical narratives and revival accounts, is arranged in chronological order and broken up into sixteen chapters:
1. Gerhard Tersteegen
2. George Whitefield
3. Hudson Taylor (Part One)
4. Hudson Taylor (Part Two)
5. Cane Ridge Campmeeting
6. The Hawaiian Awakening
7. Robert Cleaver Chapman
8. The Great Prayer Revival 1857-1858 (Part One)
9. The Great Prayer Revival 1857-1858 (Part Two)
10. The Ulster Revival of 1859
11. The Shantung Revival
12. Hebrides Revival
13. Brownsville Revival (Part One)
14. Brownsville Revival (Part Two)
15. The Smithton Outpouring
16. Kansas City Revival
You'll be inspired by stories of intercessors, missionaries, and evangelists. Some figures and events will be familiar, but others will become a new discovery. Each chapter was diligently researched and prayed over before it was written. Rend the Heavens will inspire you to seek God and press in for a fresh outpouring.
What might excite many is that Di Pietro’s chapters on the Smithton Outpouring include stories and testimonies never previously documented. This powerful move of God deserves a fresh retelling and this book provides it. You will not want to miss this.
Lots of positive feedback is being shared about Rend the Heavens. One early reader said, “I wept all the way through it as I read it.” Another declared, “Every page of this book is saturated by the presence of the all-consuming fire of God.”
What Others are Saying:
Corey Russell, an internationally known revivalist and intercessor declared the following:
“I believe that the Body of Christ in the United States of America has lost a sense of the holiness and sacredness of revival. I see so many on social media using this word to describe what is happening through their ministries. While I’m grateful to God for every person touched, every body healed, and every thing restored, I’m also aware that we have fallen far from the biblical and historical reality of what revival truly is. This is why I’m so grateful for Frank Di Pietro’s new book, Rend the Heavens: Stories of Awakening. In this inspiring collection, Di Pietro calls on believers to look to the past—seeing what revival has looked like—to re-frame our expectations for both the present and future. My prayer is that through this book God, would light your heart on fire with a deep burden to see revival touch this generation like never before.”
Evangelist Dan Bohi, the founder of Becoming Love Ministries, said,
"I recommend "Rend The Heavens: Stories of Awakening" for anyone who wants their passion for revival restored. These stories will rekindle the fire of intercession in your heart and life."
Brian Taylor, a revival historian with a highly engaged account on Instagram, shared the following;
"Frank DiPietro’s Rend The Heavens is a masterpiece on revivals and the revivalists who spearheaded them. This book takes you into amazing visitations and outpourings, and it stokes the fire within as you read each page. I felt the flames of revival rekindling in me as I spent time with this marvelous work. Everyone who has a heart for moves of God and the pioneers who sacrificed everything to bring them about needs to read this book."
About the Author
Here's a sad fact. Many revival books are written by individuals who have never experienced it. The author might have bought old books, conducted research, and composed some engaging lines, but they’ve never been overwhelmed by the glory. To truly understand revival, an author should have direct experience with the subject.
This is what makes Frank “J.J.” Di Pietro unique as a writer. He was not only affected in the Brownsville Revival in the 1990s, but he also attended the Smithton Outpouring in rural Missouri. The writer later relocated his family to Kansas City to be a part of the stirrings at World Revival Church.
Di Pietro has not only received powerful touches from the Lord, but he has also been a carrier of the fire. In addition to ministering in churches across the Midwest, he is actively involved with teaching on intercession and the principles of revival. Di Pietro is uniquely qualified to write about the great moves of God.
In 2016, Di Pietro released: The Fire That Once Was: A Revival Classic. This book has spread around the globe and is inspiring multitudes to pray for revival. This work recounts the stories of the great intercessors and evangelists. More than one admitted that the pages of their book was stained with tears.
Rend The Heavens is now the followup to this monumental work. Di Pietro recently said, "The Fire That Once was is filled with passion and the flames of intercession. But I think that Rend the Heavens goes much deeper. If you were blessed by the old book, you will love the new book even more."
Readers will be inspired by the words of this anointed author.